Beginning with the development of the technology in 1995, we had the greatest advantage of farmers joining hands with us. This enabled us to simultaneously develop the application packages for vermicast. For the first two years almost the entire production was used for research trials only. Beginning in 1997 we started promoting vermicast to the farmers, who were not producing it on their own. About 50 percent of the surplus production was sold for landscape works. Slowly with increasing production, a common brand name
Over the years, vermicast marketing has been carried out through many modes of agricultural inputs marketing. In our efforts to sell increasing quantities of vermicast, we have observed that it is best to sell directly to the consumers. We have also found that out of many different packing sizes i.e. 1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 20 kg, 50 kg tried by us, 50 kg packing in lined polybags has almost 99 percent share.
In India many small producers in small packings have been able to sell vermicast for prices ranging from Rs. 3,000/- to Rs. 10,000/- per metric tonne. In our experiences of selling sizably large quantities it has been found that at prices ranging from Rs. 2,000/- to Rs. 3,000/- it is a good bargain for both the producers as well as consumers. The syndicated procurement and marketing services for vermicast offered by Morarka Foundation has already reached over 100,000 metric tonnes levels.
Vermicast being a bulky material, long distance transport for marketing renders it uneconomical. At best upto 300-500 kilo meters distance has been found economical.
To meet local demands in different regions of the country, Morarka Foundation has assisted entrepreneurs and is also helping them to sell under a common brand name of "KISAN MRIDA SANJIVANI" at competitive rates. In India vermicast of standard quality and in sufficiently large quantities is being supplied through local production facilities in following states.
• Rajasthan
• Haryana
• Punjab
• Himachal Pradesh
• Uttar Pradesh
• Uttranchal
• Gujarat
• Maharashtra
• Andhra Pradesh
• Tamil Nadu (also in Karnataka and Kerala)
• Bihar (also in Jharkhand)
• West Bengal
• North-East states
Note: In most of these places Morarka Foundation is also offering syndicated procurement and marketing services to all interested producers.
Morarka Foundation being the only organization in the world who can handle bulk supply (upto 50,000 metric tonnes in a year). We have started getting large number of inquiries for export of vermicast. However, for exports to happen, development of acceptable international quality standards and regulations to govern its import and export is requierd.
Morarka Foundation offers marketing services for earthworms and vermicast anywhere in the world.
Vermiculture Value Chain
It starts from waste handling, production of vermicast and quality management. Use of biotechnology has enabled us to deliver vermicast with unique quality attributes desired by our clients. We also help in developing location-purpose specific applications of vermicast.
Vermicast Formulations
Many formulations of vermicast have been developed utilizing biotechnology to enhance physical, chemical and biological properties of vermicast. This has enabled substantial reduction in the application and dosages as well as overall cost of vermicast use.
Application Specific Products
Vermiculture technology has been developed to a level, wherein extreme demands from our clients for vermicast use are meet with. Especially for reduction in the use of water in agriculture, landscapes, gardens, nurseries, plantations, etc.
Applications Development
Parameters |
Vermicast + Normal Range |
By Enrichment |
Organic carbon can be increased to suit the client's requirements. |
20 - 35 (%) |
40% assured |
Nitrogen can be increased to reduce the dose of Vermicast applications |
1.8 - 2.5 (%) |
3.5% assured |
Phosphorus can be increased for applications in soils deficient in microbial life |
1.5 - 2.5 (%) |
3.5% assured |
Moisture retention capacity of vermicast can be increased to any desired level, that can reduce the number of watering / irrigations by 30 to 50 percent |
Vermicast applications can also be developed to treat soils havi ng very high or low pH levels |
Customized applications development can easily reduce cost of nutrition by 30 to 50 percent.
Marketing and Distribution
Morarka Foundation has developed marketing and distribution of vermicast serving over one million clients farmers in India. It is distributed in all 14 agro-climatic zones and is used for almost all types of crops.
Packaging Offered
• 1 Kilogram Carton Pack
• 1 Kilogram Polythene Bag
• 5 Kilogram Polythene Bag
• 50 Kilogram HDPE Bag
• 50 Kilogram Polythene Lined HDPE Bag
We can deliver up to 500 Metric Tones of vermicast at any point of time to any part of the World